Sunday Services Booking


It’s good to be able to gather together in person again! In order to comply with COVID-19 government guidelines and recommendations of the Baptist Union, we currently have a booking application system for attendance at Sunday Morning Services.

Places are allocated in 2 month blocks, so please bear with us as we seek to do this fairly.

If you would like to attend any of our Sunday services at 10.30am in April/May, please apply by email at this address: giving the names of your household group attendees, the dates that you are available and the number of services you would ideally wish to attend. Please be aware that allocation of seating depends on demand and capacity is greatly reduced due to social distancing measures.

We are required to keep a record of those attending services for Government Track and Trace so if you have not previously given us consent to hold your details, please complete the consent form here. This is a requirement of booking and your application will not be considered complete until this is done. You can view our privacy statement here.

You will receive an automated reply to confirm that your application has reached us and then emails will follow in due course regarding each individual service which you have been allocated.

Applications are reviewed on a weekly basis. The weekly deadline for submitting an application is Wednesday at 10am.

Seating allocation depends on demand and cannot be guaranteed, but your application will be more likely to be successful if you give us a range of possible dates well in advance.

Thank you for your patience as we try to ensure that those who wish to attend church have an opportunity to do so. All services are streamed online on our YouTube channel for all those not gathering in person. These are live from the church sanctuary from Easter Sunday (4th April), so those not able to attend are able to access our live service in the comfort of their own homes.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our services soon!

Thinking of Attending Church?


Please consider the following:

– Please consider the risks of attending, especially if you are considered more vulnerable to COVID-19
– Please monitor your health and stay at home if you are displaying any of the symptoms of COVID-19, namely dry cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of or change to taste or smell, or if you are self-isolating
– Please arrive in good time
– Please maintain social distancing in the car park and outside the doors on arrival
– Stewards will register you on arrival, your temperature will be taken and you will be directed to your allocated seating
– There will be a separate entry and exit system
– Hand sanitiser will be available for all to use on entry and exit
– You are kindly requested to remain at your seats for the duration of the service
– Children will need to remain with their family
– There will be toilet facilities available in the foyer which will be cleaned after every use by a dedicated cleaner and therefore if you can avoid using them it will be appreciated.
– All those attending are required to wear face coverings, to cover nose and mouth, unless under 11 or medically exempt
– The service will be streamed online. Please inform us if you do not wish to appear on camera
– The congregation will not participate in singing
– The congregation will leave one row at a time and you are kindly asked to leave promptly and limit interactions with those not in your household group
– Following your attendance at church, if you develop symptoms of COVID-19 please self-isolate, get tested (apply for a test online at GOV.UK or call 119) and contact us if you test positive for COVID-19. We will need to inform Government Track and Trace of your attendance if required
– You are therefore required to complete a consent form if you have not previously given us consent under GDPR to hold your details.