About our church
Our church
Buckhurst Hill Baptist Church is a church for everyone; a place where people from all walks of life come together to discover what life with Jesus is all about. We gather to worship, pray and learn from the Bible and to serve with open hearts and hands.
Sunday church and mid week
Our Sunday service is at 10:30am with worship and inspirational Bible preaching and teaching. During the Sunday morning service, there is youth and children’s church in term time.
During the week we connect through our Life Groups.
Our Background
Buckhurst Hill Baptist Church is affiliated with the Baptist Union of Great Britain which represents 150,000 members throughout the UK. Baptist churches are found in almost every country in the world. As part of the worldwide Christian church, Baptists form one of the largest families of faith, alongside other trinitarian Christians.
Baptists are grass-roots people, with a particular emphasis on the local church. Baptists also play their part ecumenically through membership with Churches Together in England, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), Cytun (Churches Together in Wales), the Conference of European Churches and the World Council of Churches (WCC).
We affiliate with the Baptist Union of Great Britain, London Baptists and The Evangelical Alliance.