Sunday church

See you on Sunday! 


 We look forward to welcoming you to our Sunday services! On our Home Page you will find the latest information about church life. Our church services are at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary at Buckhurst Hill Baptist Church, 28 Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill. Essex, IG9 5PL.

There is limited on-site car parking and on street parking next to the church.

The nearest Tube Station is Buckhurst Hill which is on the Central Line.

Let Us Know You’re Coming 

‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’
Isaiah 56:7b

If you’re a visitor or new to Church we’d love to know you’re coming on Sunday. Please let us know a bit about yourself (or yourselves) so that we can look out for you as you arrive. We trust you will be blessed by our ministry. We look forward to welcoming you on Sunday!

We'd love to connect with you

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Recommendations for Church Attendees


As we are now meeting more freely in the sanctuary, it may be helpful to suggest the following for Sunday church services:

• Ask everyone symptomatic not to attend;
• All attendees asked to follow government guidance on self-isolation after symptoms
and/or positive test/contact tracing/returning from foreign travel;
• Encourage people to use sanitiser on entrance and exit;
• The wearing of masks is not mandatory but everyone is encouraged to use their own
discretion for themselves and for helping others to feel comfortable and at ease;
• Leave a seat between yourself and another household;
• A respect for people’s social space around them.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at church soon!