Online church

Welcome to Buckhurst Hill Baptist Church Online

Building the Church of Tomorrow Today

We stream most of our in person services on our YouTube channel.

Our Vision

To impact our world

by building a Christ-centred church 

connecting, transforming

and empowering lives

Matthew 28:19

“Go and make disciples

of all nations”

Building the church of tomorrow today


Join us in person this Sunday at 10:30am on YouTube.


Most Sunday’s streamed live from the sanctuary online.





Online Life Groups


Life Groups are a great place for connecting with people of faith and journeying together in discipleship. Life Groups meet during the week and at different times of the day to suit different people’s needs. During this time of lockdown, all our Life Groups are continuing to meet over Skype and there’s always room for more people to join us!

Join Us

If you would like to join a Life Group, please use the form below and we’ll get in contact with you. All Life Group inquiries are handled in line with our privacy statement, viewable here. For whichever ways you’d like us contact to you, please ensure you tick the consent box(es), so that we are able to reply to you, complying with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Privacy Statement

I Consent To Be Contacted:

6 + 14 =

You can view our privacy statement here

If you’re new to church or would like to connect with us more, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know you’ve joined us today and can we contact you about your visit and let to you know more about church life.

Online Giving

Donate online today via Debit/Credit card or through your PayPal account

If you are a UK tax payer, please also consider the Gift Aid information below

2 Corinthians 9:6-7  (NIV)

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Gift Aid

If you attend the church regularly, you may like to consider regular support through the Gift Aid Scheme.  This enables the church to recover basic rate income tax paid by donors on the amount given – donors who pay 40% tax can also reclaim a further 25% of their Gift Aid donation on their tax return.  It represents a significant benefit to the church and costs you nothing more!  We will do all the administration, please contact Church Office for further details:

Buckhurst Hill Baptist
Church 28 Palmerston Road
Buckhurst Hill
Essex IG9 5LW

Phone: (020) 8559 0222


Online Decision for Christ

Prayer for Salvation

Dear Jesus,

Thank you that you love me

Thank you that you died for me

Thank you that you rose again for me

I choose to give my life to you

And live in your ways

Thank you that I am a child of God

And that I have abundant life now and forevermore

Please fill me with your Holy Spirit each day

And lead me in your love

In Jesus’ Name,

Have you made a decision for Christ? Please let us know


Praise Report or Prayer Request


‘And the church prayed earnestly’
Acts 12:5

 If you would like to share a praise report or prayer request with us, please visit our Prayer page

Our team will be praying for you

Grow Your Faith


If you would like to grow your faith further, please watch and listen to our Latest Sermons and Services and download the YouVersion Bible App to further connect with God throughout the week.